Bled, Slovenia, 2005, May 16-24


Program of LAW’05



Monday, May 16

Tuesday, May 17

Wednesday, May 18

Thursday, May 19

Friday, May 20


9.00 - 9.40

The wake-up talk

C. K. Li

Distance preserving maps on matrices

J. Holbrook

Geometry and means

R. Loewy

The exponent of a

K-primitive matrix

Y. Turovskii

Topological radicals of normed algebras

No lectures – Conference excursion


9.50 - 10.30

The warm-up talk

H. Radjavi

Semitransitive collections of operators

J. Leech

Skew lattices of idempotents in rings, especially in matrix rings

E. Kissin

Clarkson-McCarthy inequalities in Schatten ideals

J. Alaminos

Applications of Kazhdan's property to automatic continuity


10.30 - 11.00

Coffee break







11.00 - 11.40

The in-between talk

A. Villena

Banach algebras generated by compact groups of operators

R. Bhatia

Applications of Fourier analysis in matrix theory

L. Rodman

Noncanonical factorization

J. Zemánek

Powers of operators and the numerical range


11.50 – 12.30

The noon talk

P. Binding

Some eigenvalue problems for the p-Laplacian

M. Radjabalipour

On collections of matrices with entries from a division ring

D. Ilišević

On a class of projections on *-rings

R. Meshulam

Laplacians, homology and hypergraph matching


12.30 - 14.30







14.30 - 16.00

The in-between working group

H. Radjavi

Approximate spectral conditions, transitivity and related questions


R. Bhatia, J. Holbrook

Positive definite matrices


L. Rodman

Indefinite inner products


J. Zemánek

Powers and resolvents


16.00 - 16.30

Coffee break






16.30 - 18.00

The evening

working group

A. Villena

Structure of Jordan and Lie mappings on Banach algebras

T. Laffey

Companion-like matrices and their eigenvectors

H. Radjavi

Semitransitivity and related questions

H. Radjavi

Semitransitivity and related questions







Saturday, May 21

Sunday, May 22

Monday, May 23

Tuesday, May 24


9.00 - 9.40

The wake-up talk

A. Salemi

On polynomial numerical hulls of matrices and matrix polynomials

V. Lomonosov

Around Burnside's theorem on operator algebras

R. Timoney

Some formulae for norms of elementary operators

R. Pereira

Matrix-Theoretic Methods in the Analytic Theory of Polynomials


9.50 - 10.30

The warm-up talk

V. Shulman

Spectra of multiplication operators on Banach algebras

T. Laffey

Symmetric nonnegative matrices

A. Sourour

Products of idempotents

J. Extremera

Rotation invariant norms

10.30 - 11.00

Coffee break





11.00 - 11.40

The in-between talk

J. Okniński

Growth and identities of semigroups of matrices

A. Jafarian

Mathematics of medical imaging

C. Ambrozie

Joint invariant subspaces for tuples of polynomially bounded operators

H. Radjavi

Semitransitivity and related questions

11.50 – 12.30

The noon talk

H. Radjavi

Semitransitivity and related questions

T. Laffey

Companion-like matrices and their eigenvectors


12.30 - 14.30






14.30 - 16.00

The in-between working group

Student presentations

L. Rodman

Indefinite inner products


L. Rodman

Indefinite inner products

16.00 - 16.30

Coffee break





16.30 - 18.00

The evening

working group

Student presentations

R. Bhatia,

J. Holbrook Positive definite matrices

D. Hadwin

C*-algebras working group

H. Radjavi

Semitransitivity and related questions




 Student presentations, May 21:



D. Benkovič: Jordan homomorphisms on triangular matrices


D. Kokol Bukovšek: Homomorphisms of matrix semigroups


J. Vršovský: Orbits of operators tending to infinity


H. Šmigoc: Necessary conditions for the existence of a common quadratic Lyapunov function


Coffee break


K. Cvetko-Vah: Cubic skew lattices in rings of matrices


T. Shulman: On covariant maps of matrices


A. Fošner: Order preserving maps on the poset of upper triangular idempotent matrices


G. Cigler: Permutation-like groups of matrices